Lessons learned: an examination of recent whistleblowing cases

With the participation of Samantha Carroll (Ash St. Legal & Advisory), and Charles Boulo (Whispli)

Join Samantha and Charles who will discuss the following:

  • Practical considerations to help improve your whistleblower program
  • Some common pitfalls in whistleblowing programs and how to address them.
  • Direct benefits for organisations beyond the compliance tick box exercise.

The Speakers

Samantha Carroll (Practice Director, Ash St. Legal & Advisory) is recognised as a leading expert in Governance, Compliance and Regulation.

She has 15 years-experience in private practice, including 10 years in the Regulatory Compliance division for Clayton Utz and 3 years as the Head of Compliance for a mid-tier bank. Her unique skills as an accredited Governance, Risk and Compliance professional, together with her legal and regulatory response background sets her apart from other compliance professionals in the market.

Samantha is an accredited compliance professional with the GRC Institute and has previously held governance/director positions a non-executive director of Stadiums Queensland, member of the management committee of the Queensland Public Interest Law Clearing House and member of the CSIRO Ethics Committee for Social Science. She is currently Deputy Chair of BABI Youth Services and a fellow of the Governance Institute of Australia.

Charles BouloCharles has over 10+years’ of experience in the technology and SaaS sector. Witnessing the rapid change in technologies around us, he has advised many clients on how to best leverage & implement SaaS technology to improve existing processes and challenge the status quo. He recently joined Whispli and has been working closely with clients to successfully leverage Whispli to foster a speak-up culture and effectively identify risks related to misconduct.

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