WHISPLI Newsletter

The Regtech Newsletter

about Ethics & Compliance 📨

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You will regularely be updated on:

📰 Interesting Articles, Webinars and industry insights on Whistleblowing and Compliance

💬 Best Practices and testimonials from industry experts

📚 White Papers, templates and guides to level-up your speak-up program

🛠 Useful resources to navigate and implement an effective and compliant Whistleblowing tool within your Organization

You're in Good Company

Whispli is an award-winning platform recommended by partners and clients alike

Read our Latest Customer Success Story: VodafoneZiggo

"Whispli is hands down the most watertight way to catch and manage wrongdoing in your organization. If you're not using it, then you're not serious about preventing fraud or corruption."

"I have had the opportunity to implement this type of tool in the past and this is the first time I have worked with a partner who knows how to turn this sensitive subject into an opportunity. The platform is clear, modern and easy to use."

"Exceptional Client Service. Whispli product and customer success teams are its biggest asset. They are flexible, always available for support and ready to stretch beyond their roles to help the clients."